PSO Bluebills

Volunteers Making Our Community a Better Place

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The following data is used for our membership list and newsletter distribution. It also provides guidelines to determine the type of volunteer activities a member may be interested in.

Information is not distributed outside of Bluebills.


Contact Info

Current Programs

Following is a list of our current programs. Included is the location. In all cases you will be working with other Bluebills; receiving any training or mentoring needed to handle the task. Please check any activities you would like more information about or can help with.

BLUEBILL BUILDERS - COMMUNITY PROJECTS All locations, projects vary: Build ramps, install grab bars and make minor house modifications to improve safety and livability of seniors and disadvantaged referred to Bluebills by agencies.

EDUCATION PARTNERS - Olympic Peninsula. Work with schools to support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS SUPPORT AND HOMELESS SUPPORT – Jeff Co. Help to obtain, inventory and deliver items needed by families in the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault program and Homeless families.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BENEFIT GOLF TOURNAMENTS – Jefferson Co. Help organize and work on golf tournament held in Port Ludlow.

FUNDRAISING AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES – Provide input, help organize and support PSO through fundraising efforts, planning organizing and executing activities.

Skills and Assets

A variety of skills and assets are valuable in helping with Bluebills activities. Please check the boxes below if you have any of these. We welcome remarks and questions.


I have carpentry or woodworking skills
I have tools (circular saw, drill, nail gun, post hole digger)…etc.
I am available weekday mornings.


I have a computer with office applications and a printer.
I have skills with spreadsheets and word processor applications.